Upcoming Events
Past Events
- 02-02-2025, Slachthuis, Haarlem, City of Gold album release show with Bantar and Illuster
- 26-05-2023, Helikopter Amsterdam, Amsterdam
- 15-12-2018, Koel310 Alkmaar, with Man as Plague, ONKT
and My Minds Mine, Alkmaar
- 27-10-2018, de Duyker, with Dyscordia, Thurizas and
- 08-06-2018, the Sugarfactory, Hillsphere album release
with Semistereo, photos
- 16-03-2018, Willemeen, with Transient State, Arnhem
- 09-12-2017, Little Devil Rockcafe, with Spoil Engine,
- 09-06-2017, RockCafe de Engel with Dystopia, Den Helder
- 09-04-2017, E-sound studio, album release matinee,
Weesp, photos
- 15-10-2016, The Warzone Centre with Xerosun, Belfast,
- 14-10-2016, Fibber Magees with Xerosun, Dublin, Ireland
- 19-06-2016, Patronaat with MONUMENTS, Haarlem photos
- 01-04-2016, JC Everland, Wognum
- 05-12-2015, RockCafe de Engel, Den Helder
- 26-06-2015, Volta, Amsterdam
- 05-06-2015, Sugarfactory with Divine Sins, Amsterdam
- 04-10-2014, Sugarfactory AMF with Illucinoma, Amsterdam,
- 27-09-2014, Cafe 545, Ede
- 11-04-2014, JC Kompleks, Heerhugowaard
- 30-03-2014, Extase with Selfmachine and Bloid, Tilburg,
- 29-03-2014, N201 with Hope Remains and Kid Harlequin,
- 27-09-2013, 't Kooltuintje, Alkmaar
- 14-09-2013, JC Everland with Bloid, Wognum
- 12-09-2013, Volta with Illucinoma and Hope Remains,
Amsterdam, photos
- 29-06-2013, LinQed, Ede
- 08-06-2013, RockCafe de Engel, Den Helder, photos
- 05-05-2013, Kabaal am Gemaal with Textures, Wageningen,
- 09-03-2013, Willemeen, Arnhem, photos
- 18-01-2013, de Manifesto, Hoorn, photos
- 24-11-2012, the Cave, Amsterdam, photos